Selected Counties
( %)
% Female
% Male
( %)
% High School diploma or less
% Associate Degree or Some College
% Bachelor's Degree
% Graduate / Professional Degree
Household Income
( %)
% 0-149%
% 150-299%
% 300-399%
% 400% plus
Marital Status
( %)
% Married or living with a partner
% Divorced, Separated, Widowed
% Never Married
( %)
% 18 to 24
% 25 to 39
% 40 to 64
% 65 plus
Race / Ethnicity
( %)
% Non-Hispanic white
% Hispanic / Latino
% Asian / Pacific Islander
% African American / Black
% Other / Mixed
Language Spoken at Home
( %)
% English
% Language other than English
County Population
Source: U.S.Census Bureau, American Community Survey 2015, 5 - year estimates