Contact Information

Corresponding Author:

Dana B. Mukamel, PhD; Professor of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing; Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine; Director, iTEQC Research Program; University of California, Irvine; 100 Theory, Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92617-3056

Heather Ladd, MS; Statistician; Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine; iTEQC Research Program; University of California, Irvine; 100 Theory, Suite 120 Irvine, CA 92617-3056

Eugene Nuccio, PhD; Assistant Professor; School of Medicine; Division of Health Care Policy & Research; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus; 13199 East Montview Blvd, Suite 400; Aurora CO 80045-7201

Jacqueline S. Zinn, PhD; Professor; Fox School of Business; Temple University; 1801 Liacouras Walk; Philadelphia, PA 19122

Dara H. Sorkin, Ph.D.; Associate Professor; Public Health, and Psychology and Social Behavior; Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine; University of California, Irvine, 100 Theory, Suite 120, Irvine, CA 92617-3056

Susan L. Ettner, PhD; Professor; Department of Medicine; Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research; University of California, Los Angeles; 911 Broxton Avenue, Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90024


We gratefully acknowledge financial support for this study and development of these web pages from the National Institute on Aging (grant no. 1 R01 AG051719).

We are also very grateful to the National Association of Health Care and Hospice (NAHC) for its support and to the many home health agencies across the country who responded to our survey. Without these agencies confidential participation in the survey, their taking the time to provide information and feedback about the quality strategies adopted by their agencies, and their willingness to share their knowledge and expertise, this web page would not have been possible. Our thanks go to each and every one of them .